Thursday, September 17, 2009


Since we were little kids we were always taught that in order to receive something we had to deserve it. We are told to get good grades to go to a good school. Do good in school so we get a good job. Get a good job so we can have a good life. Etc........ It is a never ending process.

But our God is the opposite. He gives us grace, and love that is undeserving. It is so hard for us as humans to understand this amazing concept. Since we have the idea that you have to work to receive something it has turned us cold. When is the last time you did something for someone that didn't deserve it. When is the last time a friend hurt you for no reason and you just said its ok..... i love you. It is so hard for us to do these things, and show undeserving love.

So challenge yourself today. Try to show that undeserving love to someone!!

God Bless

Thursday, August 27, 2009

From the Word

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Satans Fall

So many people forget that Satan was once a glorious angel that lived side by side with God. He loved God with all of his heart until he was corrupted with pride, and greed. But before he fell he had a role the was very important. Gabriel is the messenger arch angel, Michael is the warrior arch angel, and lucifer used to be the angel that worshiped God constantly.

So many people ask why did God create us, why did He create man when he is so perfect. The bible does not give a clear answer on this topic but i believe that when lucifer fell that God needed something to fill the void that he left. He needed something that would constantly lift his name in praise. We are here on earth to fill that void. What an unbelievable calling!! Our Job is to bring God glory all the time. We can do it by singing, helping others, sharing the gospel, working hard at our jobs. There are so many ways that we can fill this void that lucifer left.

Satan is constantly trying to tear us down as christians because he knows that God loves us so much just like he used to love him. He wants us to be torn away from our loving creator because he wants us all to suffer with him. He is so bitter, and angry at God, and us that he will do anything to keep us from glorifying our wonderful father.

It is such an amazing calling to worship and bring glory to God every day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Downfall of Society

Now a days we live in a society that is flawed in so many ways. There are so many problems with the world, and people in general. If you look back in time there are things that are going on now that would be not acceptable then. It just goes to show that the further we travel in time from the fall the worse and worse we become. It is acceptable for a man, and a man to be married. Divorce is more than common. If marriage is too hard then just get a divorce. We have taken a sacred thing and made a mockery of it. Our government is so messed up. We have senators, and politicians that do not know how to stay faithful to their spouses. It is not acceptable for us to say God in public schools. We can not pray, and 50 years ago prayer was in all public schools. There is wide drug abuse, and prescription drug abuse. These are just some of the main problems with our society today. There is so much more that is broken, and the only people that can be blamed our ourselves.
SO many times we want to turn and point the finger at God, but it all goes back to us. We ate the fruit from the tree. We are the imperfect ones. We messed everything up.
No matter how bad it is being a christian i need to realize that there are people out there that are blinded by sin. They do not see the problems with the world. They do not understand what it is like to be loved. They need to hear the good news. The only way the world is going to get better is if christian stop pouting about their problems, and how evil everyone is and get off their ass and love some people.
Sometimes christian, and i am included in this, sit around and talk about how bad society is, and what is wrong, and never go do anything about it. Isn't that conforming to what society has become? Selfish, and non-caring. That is what the world is. "Its all about me, as long as I'm fine then that is all that matters." Well we are not the world, we are christians, and we are called to so much more! That is such a beautiful thing. God has called us to live a life of love and mercy. So many people in the world do not know what it is like to be loved. Men are addicted to porn because it makes them feel better about themselves. Women give their bodies to men because that gives them confidence. Kids grow up with out parents because it wasn't convenient. People grow up in broken homes, and do not understand what its like to have a family dinner every night. So many people need love, and we are the ones who get to show the love of Christ to them.
So who someone some love in some way and spread the word of Christ. The world is broken, and it can be repaired, and it is our responsibilities as christians to do so.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey Friends

So once again i am up late and not sleeping. I thought i would write something down. Im back at ECU and it feels good. I miss home, and hanging out with friends, and going out on the lake but it had to end sometime. Summer was a blast and im going to try to enjoy this last week as much as possible. Senior year is going to be a tuff one but im sure God will help me through it. I hope i learn so much this year, and really challenge myself to grow in my faith. I want to dig deep into the word, and explore theological issues. Learn how to defend my faith in new and different ways. I am going to try to blog alot more, because it always helps me think when i get to write down stuff. So i hope you enjoy what i have to offer over this next school year.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I cant sleep.

So i was laying in my bed and i couldn't sleep. So i started to think about several things, and i started to think about Christianity, and the christian life style. I love being a christian. It is the one thing that can full fill me. Being able to have a relationship with Christ brings me eternal happiness, and i can not be happier. But i started to think about stuff, and sometimes there are things about being a Christian that really gets on my nerves.

It doesn't really have to do with the Christian walk, its really just dealing with other Christians. There are just some people out there that dont understand it, they dont get it. There are those christian that just think they are so much higher than others, and that they are so much closer to God. I feel like so many christians are not being challanged. So many times i go to church and just get the most surface messages. Shouldnt we be challanged as christians. We should be digging so much deeper in the word. The men in the bible would dig so deep into the word, and just challange themselves. Famous authers like Lewis, and Strobel would search through the word and discover God in new ways. We as chritians need to step up and challange ourselves. God wants us to discover him and we must do it!!! If we do we can be so close to him, and learn so much more about how to live a life pleasing to him. There is so much infanite knowledge to gain, and i feel like i have only scratched the surface. I want to know more, and i want to be closer to him. We as chritians should all desire this.

I know there is really no structure to this post but i kinda just wrote it on a whim. I hope there was something in there for ya.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Seal Upon Our Hearts!!

So many times we get lost in our days. We get caught up in living. We forget how blessed we are, and how many gifts we have been given. We are so used to thinking about what we want, instead of being grateful for what we have. The newest trends, clothes, shoes.....These are all examples of what we can get caught up in as humans. So many times i find my self saying those three words that mean so much....."I WANT THAT." Why?? Do i need it? Is that item going to bring me eternal happiness? Of couse not. Its not just with material possessions. We get caught up in the desire of the flesh. Is taking that next step with my girlfriend going to quench the fire of lust? Is clicking on that website going to satisfy my earthly desires?No, it never does, and after we commit these sins, and give into our desires do we ever feel fullfilled? I never do...I actually feel more empty because i have taken one more step away from God. I have put one more thing between him and me. It all brings me back to those three little words....... I WANT THAT. Why do we want what we cant, and dont have? Its because its our human nature. As crappy as that sounds that is the way it is. But as a christian we should never long for what we dont have because we already have so much....One gift that i want to focus on that God has given us is the gift of love.....

So many men, and women are obsessed with this four letter word. They chase it endlessly and go down dangerous paths to feel loved. Paths of darkness, and destruction. But the right path leads to glorious fullfillment, and light. If we love the way God loves, and seek the love that God has given to us we can be fullfilled on so many levels. I am guilty of not seeking that love lately. I have tried to find my own love instead of following the Love of my father. He has given us a love so powerful. It scares saten, and can vanquish him in an instant. With the love of Christ dwelling in us we are invinceble. We are one with God, and when you are one with God there is no greater love than that. So i encourge you to place him like a seal upon your heart, and seal his love inside of you forever. Dwell on his love, and lean on his love. The more you lean on God, and trust him the stronger you become.

Place me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jellously as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Many waters can not quence love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. - Song of solomon 8:6 & 7