Thursday, May 28, 2009

Put out into deep waters....

So many times we want to do things are way. We have been doing things for a certain way for so long, and it has worked for us so what is the point of doing it differently. It rarely occurs to us that there could be a different better way to do things. We always think our way is best, and never consider other options. Most of the time we over look options because of how difficult, and trying they might be. God does not call us to do the same thing over and over again. He wants us to do things his way and usually that way involves getting out of our comfort zone, and doing things that we normally wouldnt do. Doing things that dont necessairly make sense. Peter, and the disciples had been fishing all day, jesus said to cast out their nets one more time. Peter thought that this was so stupid, but he did it anyway, and a bounty of fish was yielded. So much fish it almost tiped over the boat. Then jesus asks peter to walk out onto water with him. I mean how much more crazy can you get. 

Next time you might feel uncomfortable or that you are doing something crazy, there is a good chance you are right where God wants you to be. God wants us to cast out our nets into deep waters, and he will reward us.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bottom of the Glass

So as i sit here at 1:20 in the morning i think to myself about many different issues. One that crossed my mind and i thought it would be good to write about is how bad we are as humans. WE are so stupid, and helpless without God. When we sin we are to ashamed to run to the one who is going to love us first. We try to hide our sin, and our guilt. There is so much we do wrong. Once upon a time i heard one of my teachers say that we are like the bottom of a coke glass. All the extra stuff that was left over mixed in with spit and bacteria. That is what we are. That image stuck with me so well for some reason. I am constantly reminded of how true that image is everyday. Everyday I mess up, and i just reconfirm every thing about being the bottom of the coke glass. But no matter what God is always there to pick me back up. He loves me so much, and has done so much for me. I am so greatful for how much he loves me inspite of how bad i treat him. I am in love with my savior who will love me no matter what i do. It is so comforting to know that he will never leave me or forsake me. I hope that he can use me in many way to further his kingdom. 

In Christ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Time Travel

A great movie is back to the future. I love it when they get in that awesome delorian with the gullwing doors and they time travel. Well i am going to let you have a chance to fly through time with me. No we will not be getting into an awesome car with cool doors, but we will be looking at an old entry in my journal. So here goes nothing. 

June 6th 2008

Heather is such a blessing in my life. I pray that God takes us on a journey that is fullfilling to him and that his good and perfect plan is worked out through us. I have kept God the main priority in my life and at the forefront of Heather and I's relationship. All the signs say to persue this relationship so that is what i am going to do. I just want God to guide us and direct us. I want him to walk hand in hand with us. Thank you God for someone who loves you more than me. Help me stay strong Lord. Help me be the spirtual leader i need to be. All i seem to think about or write about is the God- fearing women in my life. I have shared things with her i have told no one else. I have opened my heart to her in many ways. Thank you God for everything. I know i must trust you with everything. Guide me, leade me, make me stronger, work in me Lord. I want to be yours!!

Well there you go. That is a look into my life almost a year ago. If you know me now you know that i Heather and I are still together and trying to glorify God in everything we do. I still give so much praise to him and he is all i can ever want. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1:20 AM

So i am sitting here at 1:20 in the morning and i have decided to get my blog going again. I was so devoted to it last summer, and i want to get back to being devoted to it again. A year has passed since i began this blog, and i have done a poor job at informing you of the happenings in my life. I am sorry for this.... Hopefully i can give you more insight on what is going on with me daily, and the way i feel spirtually. I really enjoyed writing about my spirtual walk, and i hope that whoever reads this gained something from all of my posts on religion, and Christianity. I will be writing more about those same things, and hopefully encouraging fellow believers along the way. 

I dont know who still even gets on this site to read my blog but for those of you who do thanks. I know what i say is not necessarily the most important things in life, nor is it that isightful but at least it gives you one more thing to do so you dont have to do that other thing you dont want to do. 

So this is the first post of many more to come. God Bless!!