Thursday, September 17, 2009


Since we were little kids we were always taught that in order to receive something we had to deserve it. We are told to get good grades to go to a good school. Do good in school so we get a good job. Get a good job so we can have a good life. Etc........ It is a never ending process.

But our God is the opposite. He gives us grace, and love that is undeserving. It is so hard for us as humans to understand this amazing concept. Since we have the idea that you have to work to receive something it has turned us cold. When is the last time you did something for someone that didn't deserve it. When is the last time a friend hurt you for no reason and you just said its ok..... i love you. It is so hard for us to do these things, and show undeserving love.

So challenge yourself today. Try to show that undeserving love to someone!!

God Bless

Thursday, August 27, 2009

From the Word

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Satans Fall

So many people forget that Satan was once a glorious angel that lived side by side with God. He loved God with all of his heart until he was corrupted with pride, and greed. But before he fell he had a role the was very important. Gabriel is the messenger arch angel, Michael is the warrior arch angel, and lucifer used to be the angel that worshiped God constantly.

So many people ask why did God create us, why did He create man when he is so perfect. The bible does not give a clear answer on this topic but i believe that when lucifer fell that God needed something to fill the void that he left. He needed something that would constantly lift his name in praise. We are here on earth to fill that void. What an unbelievable calling!! Our Job is to bring God glory all the time. We can do it by singing, helping others, sharing the gospel, working hard at our jobs. There are so many ways that we can fill this void that lucifer left.

Satan is constantly trying to tear us down as christians because he knows that God loves us so much just like he used to love him. He wants us to be torn away from our loving creator because he wants us all to suffer with him. He is so bitter, and angry at God, and us that he will do anything to keep us from glorifying our wonderful father.

It is such an amazing calling to worship and bring glory to God every day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Downfall of Society

Now a days we live in a society that is flawed in so many ways. There are so many problems with the world, and people in general. If you look back in time there are things that are going on now that would be not acceptable then. It just goes to show that the further we travel in time from the fall the worse and worse we become. It is acceptable for a man, and a man to be married. Divorce is more than common. If marriage is too hard then just get a divorce. We have taken a sacred thing and made a mockery of it. Our government is so messed up. We have senators, and politicians that do not know how to stay faithful to their spouses. It is not acceptable for us to say God in public schools. We can not pray, and 50 years ago prayer was in all public schools. There is wide drug abuse, and prescription drug abuse. These are just some of the main problems with our society today. There is so much more that is broken, and the only people that can be blamed our ourselves.
SO many times we want to turn and point the finger at God, but it all goes back to us. We ate the fruit from the tree. We are the imperfect ones. We messed everything up.
No matter how bad it is being a christian i need to realize that there are people out there that are blinded by sin. They do not see the problems with the world. They do not understand what it is like to be loved. They need to hear the good news. The only way the world is going to get better is if christian stop pouting about their problems, and how evil everyone is and get off their ass and love some people.
Sometimes christian, and i am included in this, sit around and talk about how bad society is, and what is wrong, and never go do anything about it. Isn't that conforming to what society has become? Selfish, and non-caring. That is what the world is. "Its all about me, as long as I'm fine then that is all that matters." Well we are not the world, we are christians, and we are called to so much more! That is such a beautiful thing. God has called us to live a life of love and mercy. So many people in the world do not know what it is like to be loved. Men are addicted to porn because it makes them feel better about themselves. Women give their bodies to men because that gives them confidence. Kids grow up with out parents because it wasn't convenient. People grow up in broken homes, and do not understand what its like to have a family dinner every night. So many people need love, and we are the ones who get to show the love of Christ to them.
So who someone some love in some way and spread the word of Christ. The world is broken, and it can be repaired, and it is our responsibilities as christians to do so.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey Friends

So once again i am up late and not sleeping. I thought i would write something down. Im back at ECU and it feels good. I miss home, and hanging out with friends, and going out on the lake but it had to end sometime. Summer was a blast and im going to try to enjoy this last week as much as possible. Senior year is going to be a tuff one but im sure God will help me through it. I hope i learn so much this year, and really challenge myself to grow in my faith. I want to dig deep into the word, and explore theological issues. Learn how to defend my faith in new and different ways. I am going to try to blog alot more, because it always helps me think when i get to write down stuff. So i hope you enjoy what i have to offer over this next school year.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I cant sleep.

So i was laying in my bed and i couldn't sleep. So i started to think about several things, and i started to think about Christianity, and the christian life style. I love being a christian. It is the one thing that can full fill me. Being able to have a relationship with Christ brings me eternal happiness, and i can not be happier. But i started to think about stuff, and sometimes there are things about being a Christian that really gets on my nerves.

It doesn't really have to do with the Christian walk, its really just dealing with other Christians. There are just some people out there that dont understand it, they dont get it. There are those christian that just think they are so much higher than others, and that they are so much closer to God. I feel like so many christians are not being challanged. So many times i go to church and just get the most surface messages. Shouldnt we be challanged as christians. We should be digging so much deeper in the word. The men in the bible would dig so deep into the word, and just challange themselves. Famous authers like Lewis, and Strobel would search through the word and discover God in new ways. We as chritians need to step up and challange ourselves. God wants us to discover him and we must do it!!! If we do we can be so close to him, and learn so much more about how to live a life pleasing to him. There is so much infanite knowledge to gain, and i feel like i have only scratched the surface. I want to know more, and i want to be closer to him. We as chritians should all desire this.

I know there is really no structure to this post but i kinda just wrote it on a whim. I hope there was something in there for ya.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Seal Upon Our Hearts!!

So many times we get lost in our days. We get caught up in living. We forget how blessed we are, and how many gifts we have been given. We are so used to thinking about what we want, instead of being grateful for what we have. The newest trends, clothes, shoes.....These are all examples of what we can get caught up in as humans. So many times i find my self saying those three words that mean so much....."I WANT THAT." Why?? Do i need it? Is that item going to bring me eternal happiness? Of couse not. Its not just with material possessions. We get caught up in the desire of the flesh. Is taking that next step with my girlfriend going to quench the fire of lust? Is clicking on that website going to satisfy my earthly desires?No, it never does, and after we commit these sins, and give into our desires do we ever feel fullfilled? I never do...I actually feel more empty because i have taken one more step away from God. I have put one more thing between him and me. It all brings me back to those three little words....... I WANT THAT. Why do we want what we cant, and dont have? Its because its our human nature. As crappy as that sounds that is the way it is. But as a christian we should never long for what we dont have because we already have so much....One gift that i want to focus on that God has given us is the gift of love.....

So many men, and women are obsessed with this four letter word. They chase it endlessly and go down dangerous paths to feel loved. Paths of darkness, and destruction. But the right path leads to glorious fullfillment, and light. If we love the way God loves, and seek the love that God has given to us we can be fullfilled on so many levels. I am guilty of not seeking that love lately. I have tried to find my own love instead of following the Love of my father. He has given us a love so powerful. It scares saten, and can vanquish him in an instant. With the love of Christ dwelling in us we are invinceble. We are one with God, and when you are one with God there is no greater love than that. So i encourge you to place him like a seal upon your heart, and seal his love inside of you forever. Dwell on his love, and lean on his love. The more you lean on God, and trust him the stronger you become.

Place me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jellously as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Many waters can not quence love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. - Song of solomon 8:6 & 7

Friday, June 26, 2009

A common thread.....

So as i sit here late at night on my computer i am doing one of the things that i love most. Searching for new bands, and listening to bands music, and breaking it apart, trying to listen to every intricate part in their masterpieces. If you know me then you know that i love music, and if i could make a living touring, or being involved in music in some way i would. I have blogged a coupe of times in the past about music, but i feel like being a critic tonight, and sharing my opinion like it means anything to people out there reading this (the 5 people who actually have this on their favorites bar) So i am going to list 10 bands that have won over my heart, and my respect. Im not listing them in any order just in the fact that i think these 10 bands are important in music or are amazing artists and people should take time to listen to them. So here we go.

1. The Beatles

Do i have to say anymore..... This band is a band that so many people identify with. They were groud breaking and changed so much about music. They were not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and create new amazing master pieces. They create hooks, and melodies. They captivated the world, and paul mcartney is still able to captivate millions with his talent. They were amazing and i give them my respect.

2. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

I have to admit it has taken me a while to listen to his music, and disect it and for me to get an opinion on his work. My dear friend Sam has shared live performances, and many different songs by him and i must say it has won me over. I mean the man is 60 years old and can still rock out a 3 hour set. If your 25 and you can play a 3 hour set thats amazing, to do that at 60 and with the energy he does it is amazing. His music style is simple but also intricite at the same time. You loose your self in the simplicity of it, and if you step back and listen you realize that there are 10 other instraments, and harmonys going on. Bruce Is an american icon, and is forever in my hall of fame.

3. Dashboard Confessional

One of the bands that i can listen to non stop. If i buy a cd and i cant listen to it from begening to end by dashboard it is a dissapointment....I have never been dissapointed by them. He is an amazing lyrcisit, and has beautiful words, and harmonys in his music. He has an amazing voice, and i capable of so much. I love this band, and will forever be a fan. MTV Unplugged album is the best ever, and really showcases his true ability and talent.

4. Underoath

If you know me then you know that this is my favorite band of all time. I love this band, and i love how they are able to take hard music, and bend it and transform it every time they have a new album. Bands in the hardcore scene are always trying to imitate them, but underoath is so ground breaking with every album it is impossible. Spencers range has increased so much, and aaron has improved dramtically with his vocals. This band is always impressing me, and i will forever listen to them.

5. Joy Electric

This is a band that i hardly listen to at all. My friend Blake Oakley showed me his work, and i could never get into it. I give this band respect because of the sheer ammount of albums he can put out in a year. This man has well over 15 albums out. He can write new music at an amazing rate. Not only is he writing music, but it has depth and substance to it. Everything about his albums is art. Nothing goes un noticied. It is all themed, and all of it is intertwined with each other.

6. Red Hot Chili Pepers

This band is a band that has combined so many different types of music it is unbelieveable. They have made funk, soul, hip hop, and rock into one genre and it sounds amazing. Flea has an unbelievable talent on the bass guitar, john is so amazing on electric. and for a three piece band they can soud so full, and rich it is unbelieveable. There lyrics have hooks, and melodies that can have you listening to their CD for days.

7. Rage Against the Machine

I never listened to them a ton, but now that i have grown older i go back and have started to listen to their stuff. I put them in this list just because of what Tom morello can do on the guitar. He is simply amazing. Also they were able to mesh rap, and rock and roll into a new brand of music that people would try to duplicate for years to come.

8. Johnny Cash

The man in black. Amazing musician, and amazing bad ass. Anyone who records a live album from a prison needs to be in this list with out a doubt. his music was dark, and real. It let everybody see the bad side of someone for once. It seemed real, and not fake. So many bands get up and put on a fake smile but he never did. If he was mad you knew it, and he still performed amazing songs.

9. The Roots

I love this band because they are a hip hop band that has real instraments. There lyrics flow effortlessly. It is so easy to listen too, and there are great hooks in their music. I love listening to the roots, and will always be a fan.

10. Outkast

The album atliens hooked me fromt he start. The first time i heard dre, and big boi's lyrics, and flow on that CD it hooked me. "Cooler than a polor bears toe nail" amazing lyrics like that hooked me, and i will always be a fan of outkast. I wish they were still together, and making amazing music like they used too back in the day.

Well there it is 10 bands that you should listen too. Give them a try and see what you think. You dont have to like it. But at least give it a try.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mature in faith.

Well my dear friends, my good friend Blake Oakley called me tonight and it got me talking a whole bunch of deep stuff, and i thought i would share about all of the awesomeness in our conversation. Hopefully you will find this post interesting. So here we go!!!

So we started talking about being a man, and how being a christian calls you to be a man unlike any other way. You are called to make decisions about purity, truthfulness, your family, and many other things. You are supposed to be strong, and be solid. You are called to live a life of integrity, and respect. If these things dont exemplify being a man i dont know what does. We were talking about where i was when i came to ECU, and how much growing i have done. I have made the transition from being one of those Christians who just went to church and filled out the pamphlet like a good little boy, to being a bonified man. I have realized that what ever you do you do it for christ, and you give it 100% of your heart and soul. I have discovered that if you persue God on your own that your relationship with him will grow indefinitely.

I have not come to these discoveries by my self. I have has many friends along the way help me grow. Friends like bryan, matt, aaron, whit, sam, greg, and bart. People that i will never forget as long as i live. But there is one person that has helped more so much and i am so greatful for her.

Heather Leigh Carnahan. She has challenged me in so many ways, and has taught me how to love Jesus in so many new ways. our relationship has taught me about sacrifice, and how to love on a different level. She has prayed for me so much, and has wanted to see me grow in my relationship. I love her so much, and always will for how much she has helped me grow with my lord and savior.

All in all i am so in love with Jesus its unbelievable. I love him so much, and he has turned me into a great man, and i am eternally grateful. He calls us to greatness, and i have not achieved that yet, but i am taking steps tword that calling every day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


If you are expectiong a post with depth, and insight im sorry this will not be your post. I just joined the world of twitter. It is a social network that you can up date your status from your phone in real time. You can follow people, and see what they are thinking/ doing through out the day. At first i thought it was a stupid idea but now im hooked. My favorite part is that famous people are on it, and you can follow their feeds and see what they are thinking. For example i am following my favorite musical artists, and sports casters getting updates on what they think about the games, and what types of music they are listening too. Its a pretty cool deal. I highly advise you check it out.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Put out into deep waters....

So many times we want to do things are way. We have been doing things for a certain way for so long, and it has worked for us so what is the point of doing it differently. It rarely occurs to us that there could be a different better way to do things. We always think our way is best, and never consider other options. Most of the time we over look options because of how difficult, and trying they might be. God does not call us to do the same thing over and over again. He wants us to do things his way and usually that way involves getting out of our comfort zone, and doing things that we normally wouldnt do. Doing things that dont necessairly make sense. Peter, and the disciples had been fishing all day, jesus said to cast out their nets one more time. Peter thought that this was so stupid, but he did it anyway, and a bounty of fish was yielded. So much fish it almost tiped over the boat. Then jesus asks peter to walk out onto water with him. I mean how much more crazy can you get. 

Next time you might feel uncomfortable or that you are doing something crazy, there is a good chance you are right where God wants you to be. God wants us to cast out our nets into deep waters, and he will reward us.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bottom of the Glass

So as i sit here at 1:20 in the morning i think to myself about many different issues. One that crossed my mind and i thought it would be good to write about is how bad we are as humans. WE are so stupid, and helpless without God. When we sin we are to ashamed to run to the one who is going to love us first. We try to hide our sin, and our guilt. There is so much we do wrong. Once upon a time i heard one of my teachers say that we are like the bottom of a coke glass. All the extra stuff that was left over mixed in with spit and bacteria. That is what we are. That image stuck with me so well for some reason. I am constantly reminded of how true that image is everyday. Everyday I mess up, and i just reconfirm every thing about being the bottom of the coke glass. But no matter what God is always there to pick me back up. He loves me so much, and has done so much for me. I am so greatful for how much he loves me inspite of how bad i treat him. I am in love with my savior who will love me no matter what i do. It is so comforting to know that he will never leave me or forsake me. I hope that he can use me in many way to further his kingdom. 

In Christ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Time Travel

A great movie is back to the future. I love it when they get in that awesome delorian with the gullwing doors and they time travel. Well i am going to let you have a chance to fly through time with me. No we will not be getting into an awesome car with cool doors, but we will be looking at an old entry in my journal. So here goes nothing. 

June 6th 2008

Heather is such a blessing in my life. I pray that God takes us on a journey that is fullfilling to him and that his good and perfect plan is worked out through us. I have kept God the main priority in my life and at the forefront of Heather and I's relationship. All the signs say to persue this relationship so that is what i am going to do. I just want God to guide us and direct us. I want him to walk hand in hand with us. Thank you God for someone who loves you more than me. Help me stay strong Lord. Help me be the spirtual leader i need to be. All i seem to think about or write about is the God- fearing women in my life. I have shared things with her i have told no one else. I have opened my heart to her in many ways. Thank you God for everything. I know i must trust you with everything. Guide me, leade me, make me stronger, work in me Lord. I want to be yours!!

Well there you go. That is a look into my life almost a year ago. If you know me now you know that i Heather and I are still together and trying to glorify God in everything we do. I still give so much praise to him and he is all i can ever want. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1:20 AM

So i am sitting here at 1:20 in the morning and i have decided to get my blog going again. I was so devoted to it last summer, and i want to get back to being devoted to it again. A year has passed since i began this blog, and i have done a poor job at informing you of the happenings in my life. I am sorry for this.... Hopefully i can give you more insight on what is going on with me daily, and the way i feel spirtually. I really enjoyed writing about my spirtual walk, and i hope that whoever reads this gained something from all of my posts on religion, and Christianity. I will be writing more about those same things, and hopefully encouraging fellow believers along the way. 

I dont know who still even gets on this site to read my blog but for those of you who do thanks. I know what i say is not necessarily the most important things in life, nor is it that isightful but at least it gives you one more thing to do so you dont have to do that other thing you dont want to do. 

So this is the first post of many more to come. God Bless!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

One step at a time....

So hold your head up high and know it's not the end of the road
Walk down this beaten path before you pack your things and head home
At the end of the road you'll find what you've been longing for

I know 'cause my feet have the scars to show
I was lost with vague direction and no place to call home

It's time for you to press on
This is not your war
Set your sights to North and press on
This is not your escape
Wash way what they thought of you
Because in this place, we're all as good as dead
...end cycle...

Behind the mask you'll find yourself alone
It's not the end of road for you

Every day is one step. We are called as christians to press on through all of the hard times. We are going to have trials in our lives, and have tough circumstances to over come. We will face death, hardships, depression, loss, money issues, addictions, and much more. God is right there with us the whole way. 

This song above speaks to me. The lyrics just paint a perfect picture about this guy who is lost, but has to press on. He is not meant for what he is experiencing. But at the end of the road he will find what he is long for. It says that the people who have waled the road before have scars on their feet to show their struggles. It fits so perfect to me because i know that i am going to have scared feet, but i am meant for something great. Something indescirbable. 

So one step at a time. I will continue to press on. If i look back at my life my journy has been long, and i have grown so much. It is exciteing to know that i will continue to gorw and learn more about God, and his infinite majesty. So one step at a time i will press on!!


To whom it may concern
Define the great line.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Its Been A While!!!

WOW!!! Well it has been about 20 years since i have been on this thing. A ton of stuff has happened but i am not going to bother writing about all the details that have been going on in my life. There has been some great things, and not so great things. My original thought of this blog was for everyone to get some insight in my life, and for me to share some thoughts on my walk with Christ, and share my personal experiences. SO....I have decided to start writing more often and shareing more about my Walk with Jesus. 

Well to be honest with all of you my walk with jesus has been stagnant as of late. I have not moved forward or backwards. Just kinda sitting in one place. But i do have some stuff to share and hopefully it will relate to someone who reads this blog (if anyone does).

Time and time again we are faced with difficult moral, and ethical decisions. The decision could be small or big, but on Gods scale all moral and ethical decisions are the same. It is so hard to make the correct decision sometimes. Our flesh is screaming out for something. You try to justify it in your mind. You say things like "just this once" or "I promise this is the last time". We tell God that we will never do it again... We have all been there sooooo many times. Well what is the problem? How come its always more than one more time. How come its never the last time? How come we never do it again? I think it comes down to two main reasons. Number one prayer, and number two we are not capable of doing it. 

One: PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER!!!! It brings us closer to God. It is our communication line. The beauty of it is that its not a one way telephone line. He is not just listening. He is also answering our prayers too. He is talking to us all the time. We just dont take the time to slow down and realize it. If we are not talking to our saviour how can we build a relationship with him. We must be relational with our God and he will help us through those hard decisions. 

Two: We simply can not do it. Our human selves are weak minded, and give into the desires of the flesh daily. We need to relay on God. He will come down and give us his strength. He will wrap his arms around us and guide us. So many times we say we are going to stop. Instead we need to surender. It is not about us. It is about him. We will always says. I am going to stop. I will never do that again. It is always about us. If its about us we will always fail. We say things like. I wont let you down God.  He loves us unconditionally. It is not about proving something to him it is the opposite. But that is not what the world teaches. We are used to relying on ourselves, and proving ourselves to everyone. But it is the reverse with God. We cant do it on our own. We must give it all to him. 

So that is my thoughts about some stuff i have been going through lately. I hope you enjoyed it. I will be posting more offten hopefully. Love you guys. 

P.S. I just wanted to say to everyone who reads that God is amazaing and if he is not in your life you should think about asking him to be. He has gieven me an amazing family, amazing girlfriend, amazing friends, and an amazing life. Without him none of it would be poissible. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am so blessed

I am sitting here at 3:50 AM and i can not stop thinking about how blessed i am. There are countless things that i can list off that God has blessed me with. I have been adopted into such an amazing family. I have been given countless opertunities. I have been raised to by amazing parents. I have great friends that are suportive. I have gotten the chance to attend college. And i have a beautiful girlfriend who loves her Lord more than she will ever love me. 

So many times we dwell on what we dont have and we forget all the amazing things that God has blessed us with. God is always working in our lives and making it better. We can be so negative and drag others down around us. If we are just positive and focus on how we can benifit the good of others and ourselves we would be so much happier. When you get down just think of the countless ways that God has blessed you. From the weather on that day too the ability to breath and wake up in the morning. God is so vast and infanite and he will always bless us, and even bless us in ways that we do not know. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Growing up in a imperfect place

Let me start off by saying that in no way is anyone on earth perfect. Everyone has faults. No one can go through life and say that they have never done anything wrong. It is pathetic that the world is full of people who sin, and are filled with guilt and with sin. It is such a dirty place. Sex and lust pollutes the television, and media. The idea of money, and greed is pumped into us to make us think that those things are the answers to life. If you take a step back and look at what the world is you really see how it is filled with aweful things. So as i take a step back i can help by say to myself.....


Why would i just get done talking about how the world is filled with evil, and sin and say it is a beautiful place? It is because without all of this sin and evil there would be no way for God to show us is infinate and extravagant mercy. If the world was full of perfect people and a perfect place then we would not be able to understand that amazing aspect of God. It is so amazing to think about. We hate sin, and evil, but God created it partially so that we can understand him more fully. 

Also in the bible Jesus came to earth to save the lost. He came for the sinners, and tax collectors. He didnt come for the perfect people. He did not come for the people who have it all together. He came for all of us because we are all sinners. We are all those people who do not have it together. Jesus came to save us all. Anyone who accepts him is able to be washed free of that sin and that guilt. 

God loves us unconditionally. I have turned my back on him countless times and he still loves me with all of his heart. I hope that i can love the way he loves. I want to love like that. If ic an love my friends, and family like that then i know that i am doing something right. 

This place of sin, and evil is so beautiful and if you look hard enough you can even see God in the horrible things that happen. He is everywhere and i am so glad that he is always with me. 

"I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners"- Mark 2:17

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hello Mr. Gump

As I sit here tonight i ponder on the things that i am most looking forword too in my life to come. With out a doubt i have already lived an amazing life and the experiences i have gone through have been extroidanary. God has blessed me in so many ways that i can not even begin to count them. The amazing family that has adopted me, the group of friends that he has surounded me with, the endless opertunities he has blessed me with, and a beautiful women who loves her Lord and savior. These are just a few things that God has blessed me with. It makes me wonder what is in store. What is coming next. Well there are a couple of things that i can not wait to happen. 

I can not wait to own my own house. For a man it is going to be great to come back to MY house. The place where i can hang my hat. It is going to be such a blessing to have a place of my own that i have worked hard for. I am looking forword to buy a place that is a little worn down. It still has that charm. I am looking forword to finding a place like that and  being able to put my blood, sweat, and tears into. A place that has a piece of me with it. I cant wait to be able to go through that experience

One thing that i would love to do in my life is to be my own boss. I would love to own my own business one day. The idea of having something that other people use that you have created is awesome. It would mean alot to say that i have created a product that people could use. It is for sure one of my goals to own my own business. I am not sure what i would do yet. I guess that is for God too decide. But the possibility of owning my own business one day is really exciting. 

This next one is something that i have been looking forword too for a long time. Without a doubt one of the happiest days of my life is the day that i get married. It will be the day that you get to spend the rest of your life with your best friend. The Lord has made marraige one of the greatest gifts to us. I can not wait to experience that. I know that when i see my wife open those doors and walk down the isle i will have the biggest smile on my face. I will be able to invite the most important person in my life into my life. I will be able to share all of me with her. I can not wait for that great day to come. 

Even though getting married is going to be without a doubt one of the greatest days of my life there is going to be one more day that is going to top that. The day that i have my first child. I dont think there is anything greater than having your own children. Someone who is totally dependent on you. You get to raise them and show them all you have learned. That is going to be the happiest day of my life. 

These are just a few milestones i can not wait to reach in my life time. I hope that God allows me to accomplish them all. My life has been awesome. I have only lived 21 years of it. I love that God has planned everything out for me. Nothing in my life has happened by chance. I love that so much. God is amazing and i am so blessed to be able to be his servent.